Single button - two functions ..... HELP! ;)

Hi all.

Below is my code.
Long story short - its a LCD display for in car use. it displays Oil pressure, fuel pressure, water temperatuer, oil temperature and an EGT. This is all on the first 'page'.

On the second 'page' I have another four EGT readouts.

Using the same button I would like to achieve the following - a quick press to toggle the pages, and long press to turn the buzzer on and off if an alarm situation (One of the sensors are above/below their threshold / major differences between EGT probes) is created.

I really hope someone can help and point me in the right direction.

Jared (3.03 KB)

This Thread has some code for different types of button press.


Thank you Robin2.
I will have a look!:slight_smile: