Single Latch relay without H bridge?

Hi guys,

I was just wondering how I would go about setting up the (provided below) single latch relay.

It is a 3v relay and it is single latching.

I have read in places that you can use a H bridge or something to Latch or de latch this type of relay, but it is hard to find a tutorial for this exact part.

I just had a few questions:

  1. Do i need to buy a part to latch and unlatch this relay, or is it possible to create a circuit which will do the same.

  2. Which micro controller would be easier to use for this project. I have WemDos d1 which output 3.3v logic (i think) and I whole bunch of arduinos that output 5v. My thought is to use the Wemdos, as I will not have to convert the logic. although I do have one logic level converter which I dont know how to use.

  3. Would this work as a h bridge to altch and unlach the relay? H bridge??

Thank you in advance for your time and help


Forgot to add this. Wouldve been annoying.

It is the g5rlu1ae 3v

Thank you in advance

Yes, that H-bridge ought to work, its loses a few volts, so power it from 5V (which is its minimum anyway).

You can get dual-coil latching relays which only need a couple of transistors/diodes to drive.

Hi Mark Thank you for your reply.

I have dual latching relays as well, but I thought I would try and learn how the single latch relays work.

I was wondering if you could possibly help me out with an issue:

Using this forum and the help from some people, I created a circuit which works for all my arduinos to latch the dual latching relay in either direction.

However, when I attempt the same circuit (one with NPN transistors, diodes and resistors with my Wemos d1 esp8266 wifi microcontroller, it seems to have no affect.

Does it sound like i need to pulse the transistors longer or change the resistors?

i know that the controller has a maximum output current of 10ma. Is it capable of sswitching a 5v dual latch relay with a transistor and a 3v wifi micro controller.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sorry just to add sight. This was the thread that helped me to make the Dual latch coil circuit.

It is basically the last circuit of page 1, except i am using 330 resistors rather than 470.

Forum thread of dual altch relay circuit

"Last circuit of page 1" is meaningless, the posts-per-page is configurable. Which posting number?

Sorry the circuit on Post 8 and the code on Post 11. But, the resistors are changed for 330s.

It is the only one that I could get working to switch the relays.

I wanted to use optocouplers originally, but I couldnt get them working. I do buy like 40 of them.

Maybe they would be more suited to work with the Wemdos d1 nodemcu boards?

Thank you for your time.

Yes, with 3 volt supply you really need 120 ohm base resistors to fully saturate the 2n2222 at
200mA load, which is why 330 worked and 470 didn't - ie its still rather borderline.

I managed to get it working with optocouplers. They seem to trigger on 5v with 220 resistors. So i guess ill be saving my transistors.....Turns out i had them around the wrong way, I was following the writing where i should have followed the dot...

I am now having trouble flashing my esp8266.

I have tried with a logic level shift, with an adapter module. Everything except serial to usb module. I cant even get AT commands working...I am sure it is the parts not the maker...except, I have tried it amonst a variety of different esp8266 modules.

Please help if you are able.