I'm absolutely new to the entire world of electronics/programming/anything cool, but I came across the DIY stuff about Adruino, and the Raspberry Pi, and I was hooked.
So, I read up on everything a little bit, but the whole thing seems too huge for me to swallow at once, so I thought I should start by focusing on a single project that'll introduce me to all the aspects step-by-step, or goal-by-goal. The goal keeps me engaged, and enthusiastic while also helping me learn about different aspects.
My aim was to automate my room (obviously :D), like Jarvis (the number of people who are going to be sighing at this isn't even funny.). So what I'd be needing to control would be:
2 lights (1 normal light, and a night light)
1 fan (and I hope to have some control over the speed. But that would be wishful thinking from the girl who doesn't know code. )
a door (I was thinking RFID or keypad) (Surprisingly, I have the keypad and RFID thing down comfortably. Monkey see-monkey do type thing.)
It would be nice to have some sort of integration with the calender on my phone (Lumia) (yes, I bought a Lumia. It seemed like a good idea at the time.)
Since I'll be living alone on my roof, I would like a basic alarm system. A simple tripwire would suffice.
Oh, and voice control. (I was thinking of using an Ethernet shield to connect to my wifi and use Google API. Someone somewhere has done this, which is where I got my idea.)
I need help on both software and hardware aspects of this.
What my shortcomings are:
I have no idea how to do this. Like, NONE. I couldn't tell a relay apart from a ... I don't even know what. -_-'
(And I live in India, where you really can't GET everything. Though there are SOME sites which are emerging to fill this particular niche, we've still a along way to go.)
And (this is getting messy, I apologize) also, would you recommend the book "freeduino.begin()" as a good starting point with getting a hang of Arduino?
So, guys, help a girl out?
( I am going to play the ditzy girl card up, front and center. Help me shed my ditzyness! XD )
Any responses are greatly appreciated, even if they are a bit condescending. I think I deserve at least a part of it.