I am a beginner but I understand basic electronics I have no idea how to adjust the code or write code and program it or how to modify to work properly.
I do know that I have to upload the program to the arduino but does it have to be changed for my set up? and if so would the connections differ?
I see the driver he has has a step and dir connection am I missing that or how does that work for my set up?
Thanks for any help sorry if this is a lot but I have been searching and reading so much I have a headache now and im so confused :o
I understand the "it can be done but you need to find work arounds" with coding of these boards but at this moment I do not have the proper knowledge to be doing so.
Would you recommend just buying a different driver then?
One like the pololu A4988 board?
This page has all the specs of the motor I have. I couldn't find an actual data sheet.
When using an Arduino with a proper stepper motor driver board such as the Pololu A4988 there is little to be gained from using an Arduino library unless you need the acceleration feature of the AccelStepper library.
I guess what I was trying to ask is if there is any elaboration on the part where it says if you need the acceleration feature of the AccelStepper so I could understand that more thoroughly.
Sorry for being unclear.
My pololu A4988 comes in tomorrow so I will test that code from that page I have posted and update here.
The thing is I want to have a potentiometer to control the speed instead of the 2 way switch he has going there.
any elaboration on the part where it says if you need the acceleration feature of the AccelStepper so I could understand that more thoroughly.
Thanks for clarifying.
Like any motor a stepper cannot go from zero to full speed instantly - especially with a heavy load. If you try to do that the stepper will just miss steps and the Arduino will no longer know where it is. The AccelStepper library is specially designed to accelerate the motor between speeds.
However it may be that in your actual situation the motor will work perfectly well without acceleration either because there is no need for a very high speed or because the load is light. Some experimentation may be required.
So my pololu came in and I uploaded the code that I posted to my arduino and it works fine.
Now all I want is to be able to control the speed with a pot instead of having two set speeds on a switch. I've been trying to mess with the code to rig it up that way with a pot but haven't had any luck.