single VNH5019 Motor Driver Carrier

I'm in need to control this driver. i don't want to use the shield which is dual because i'm using the ethernet shield. I can't find any on the internet how to program this thing.

Here's the pin i used.

Arduino VNH5019
digital 3-----------------PWM
digital 7-----------------INA
digital 8-----------------INB

Here's the code i wrote.

const int INA = 7;
const int INB = 8;
const int PWM_PIN = 3;

void setup(){

pinMode(INA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INB, OUTPUT);


void loop(){
if(Serial.available() >=2){
  byte cmd1 = 0;
  byte cmd2 = 0;
  cmd1 = (byte);
  cmd2 = (byte);
  if(cmd1=='m' && cmd2=='f'){ // if serial read "mf" forward motor
    digitalWrite(INA, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(INB, LOW);    
  else if(cmd1=='r' && cmd2=='m') //if serial read "rm" reverse motor
  digitalWrite(INB, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(INA, LOW);
if(cmd1=='i' && cmd2=='s'){ // if serial read "is" then increment speed.

How do i speed up motor here?

else if(cmd1=='d' && cmd2=='s'){ // if serial read "ds" then decrease speed.

How do i decrease the speed here?



How do i control the speed of it?


Use analogWrite on your PWM_pin. Keep the speed in a byte variable, increase and decrease it when your serial commands ask for it, then use it in a call to analogWrite.

Like this?

int speed = 0;

if(cmd1=='i' && cmd2=='s'){ // if serial read "is" then increment speed.


analogWrite(PWM_PIN, speed);

else if(cmd1=='d' && cmd2=='s'){ // if serial read "ds" then decrease speed.
analogWrite(PWM_PIN, speed);


What's the max speed btw?

That's it. Max is 255, which is why I suggested storing it in a byte.


Does this even compile? The begin method needs to know what speed you want to use.



Does this even compile? The begin method needs to know what speed you want to use.

Aw my fault it's Serial.begin(9600);
Is my code correct in increaseing and decreasing speed?