Siri on Arduino Uno

I want to start a project where I make my own kind of siri that I can ask questions to and get a response from. The Arduino would be connected to a wifi shield to get the results and I would use a speaker to relay the info it found. Any suggestions on where I should start. Links are VERY much appreciated! Thanks.

What function do you foresee the Uno fulfilling?

Well, the arduino will pick up what the person said, then translate that into text and then entering the text into a database of which will have premade responses. The database will be external and to connect to it a wifi sheild would be required.

Well, the arduino will pick up what the person said

just about feasible

then translate that into text



Use an iPhone.
Its processor is faster, wider, has more memory and DSP and is better connected,

How about I get it to pick up what the person says and send that data directly to the database. The database will translate the data into words and then send back the requested info.


You can achieve a lot more if you aim low.

In this case, really really low.

and send that data directly to the database

You use the definite article.
Which "database"?

I'll make a database that will translate data into a question that it will then find the correct answer to. That answer will be sent back to the arduino to be transmitted out a speaker.

So this isn't an Arduino question anymore.

I think I got what I was looking for. Does anyone have some good links to some Arduino speech projects? Thanks everyone!

analyzing speech requires alot of processing power and speed, both of which the arduino doesn't have in quantities large enough to do what you want, youll probably be possible witg a rasberry pi , beaglebone board, or similiarmuch faster board

Any suggestions on where I should start.

Start with a PC.