SitePlayer Ethernet Products?

Has anyone interfaced with a SitePlayer device to Arduino?

It looks like they have telnet and web server type devices that are ethernet to serial.

They are priced from $25-30 that I have seen.

I am thinking it might be possible to wire it serially to the Arduino, and use standard serial in/out commands to have ethernet communications??

I decided not to use this device for ethernet because it does not have the ability to act as a tcp/http client, sending data out to web sites, etc. however, it is quite powerful as a web server, and even has the ability to send/receive udp data. So I am sharing a couple links if someone is interested in interfacing with it -- I did not try any of this, so you are on your own:

Lots of info, and specifically info to interface without having to buy the full development kit -- he explains how to wire it up so you can connect it serially to your pc to set it up, and interfacing with a pic.

Interfacing site player to AVR:

True, and as I suggested on the Siteplayer Yahoo group, you should
try out the other SP -- Siteplayer Telnet -- that will act as a TCP/UDP
client that you want.

FWIW, I'm working on adapting some old code of mine into a library
for the Arduino. The library should simplify accessing the Siteplayer
Server via its serial port.
