six channel motor shield

Hi all, this is my first arduino project, and I thought I'd post in case anyone's interested.

I got a five-axis robot arm for christmas (John Lewis own brand, actually the same as OWI-535) but it doesn't have a computer interface. I like making things, so I thought I'd see what I could do myself. After a bit of googling, I bought an arduino duemilanove because it's cheap, mac compatible, and can be configured with six pwm outputs, six digital outputs and six analog inputs.

What I couldn't find was a six-channel motor driver shield, so I thought I'd try to build my own. I've just finished testing it, and it works! More details to follow.


Here is (one third of) the circuit:

It all fits quite neatly on a prototype board, together with connectors for the analog inputs and a reset switch:

I wired it with a road runner wiring pencil, except for the motor power and ground where I used standard single core. Here is the underneath:

Does anyone think it would be worth building a proper pcb for this? I don't have the equipment to do it myself.
