Having a weird problem can't seem to crack.
I've got Firmata v2 up and running on LINUX UBUNTU using a Flash app with AS3Glue, everything works great.
I then ported over to Windows XP (SP2) using serproxy as the serial server and everything works fine except that every time the serial port opens and closes (reboot or just unplugging the Arduino), my sketch (Firmata v2) is lost.
I've tried both firmata 1 and 2 with the same results. Given everything works fine on LINUX including re-booting without having to re-download firmata, I would think it would be some XP setup thing? I also tried upgrading to the latest and great FTDI drivers, still no luck though.
I have an Arduino NG, Diecimila, and Duemilanove. Problem only happens on the Diecimila and Duemilanove so I guess its related to the bootloader process.
my circuit is on the last page of this PDF http://www.diymagicmirror.com/diy_magic_mirror_manual.pdf
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.