sketch will not compiled

HI I am trying from Arduino CookBook 2nd edtion. Section 7.4 Adjusting the color of an LED.

   RGB_LEDs sketch
   RGB LEDs driven from analog output ports

const int redPin = 3;    // choose the pin for each of the LEDs
const int greenPin = 5;
const int bluePin = 6;
const boolean invert = true; // set true if common anode, false if common cathode

int color = 0; // a value from 0 to 255 representing the hue
int R, G, B; //the Red Green and Blue color components

void setup() {
  // pins driven by analogWrite do not need to be declared as outputs


void loop() {
  int brightness = 255; // 255 is maximum brightness
  hueToRGB( color, brightness); // call functiion to convert hue to RGB
  // write the RGB values to the pins
  analogWrite(redPin, R);
  analogWrite{greenPin, G);
  analogWrite(bluePin, B);

  color++;  // increment the color
  if (color > 255) //
    color = 0;
  // function to convert a color to its Red, Green, and  Blue components.

  void hueToRGB(int hue, int brightness)
    unsigned int scaleHue = (hue * 6);
    // segment 0 to 5 around the color wheel
unsigned int segment = scaleHue / 256:
                           // position within segmentOffset = scaledHue - (segment * 256);

                           unsigned int complement = 0;
    unsigned int prev = (brightness * (255 - segmentOffset)) / 256;
    unsigned int next = (brightness * segmentOffset) / 256;
    if (invert)
      brightness = 255 - brightness;
      complement = 255;
      prev = 255 - prev;
      next = 255 - next;
    switch (segment ) {
      case 0: // red
        R = brightness;
        G = next;
        B = complenment;
      case 1: //yellow
        R = prev;
        G = brightness;
        B = complement;
      case 2: //green
        R = complement;
        G = brightness;
        B = next;
      case 3: // cyan
        R = complement;
        G = prev;
        B = brightness;
      case 4: // blue
        R = next;
        G = complement;
        B = brightness;
      case 4: // magenta
        R = brightness;
        G = complement;
        B = prev;



The code will not complied. It errors out at

Something wrong here:
analogWrite{greenPin, G);

And here:
Where is 'segmentOffset' defined?

And here:
unsigned int segment = scaleHue / 256:

And here:
B = complenment;

And here:
case 4: // blue
case 4: // magenta

Also learn to use CTRL T to format your sketches.


Hi LarryD I did format with control T and I used the Auto Format under the Tools. If you use the wrong punctuation it will not format correctly. With some corrections. Here is a rewrite of the code. Still have problem with defining segmentOffset

   RGB_LEDs sketch
   RGB LEDs driven from analog output ports

const int redPin = 3;    // choose the pinfor each of the LEDs
const int greenPin = 5;
const int bluePin = 6;
const boolean invert = true; // set true if common anode, false if common cathode

int color = 0; // a value from 0 to 255 representing the hue
int R, G, B; //the Red Green and Blue color components

void setup() {
  // pins driven by analogWrite do not need to be declared as outputs


void loop() {
  int brightness = 255; // 255 is maximum brightness
  hueToRGB( color, brightness); // call functiion to convert hue to RGB
  // write the RGB values to the pins
  analogWrite(redPin, R);
  analogWrite(greenPin, G);
  analogWrite(bluePin, B);

  color++;  // increment the color
  if (color > 255) //
    color = 0;
// function to convert a olor to its Red, Green, and  Blue components.

void hueToRGB(int hue, int brightness)
  unsigned int scaleHue = (hue * 6);
  // segment 0 to 5 around the color wheel
  unsigned int segment = scaleHue / 256;
  // position within the segment
  unsigned int segmentOffset = scaledHue - (segment * 256);

  unsigned int complement = 0;
  unsigned int prev = (brightness * (255 - segmentOffset)) / 256;
  unsigned int next = (brightness * segmentOffset) / 256;
  if (invert)
    brightness = 255 - brightness;
    complement = 255;
    prev = 255 - prev;
    next = 255 - next;
  switch (segment ) {
    case 0: // red
      R = brightness;
      G = next;
      B = complement;
    case 1: //yellow
      R = prev;
      G = brightness;
      B = complement;
    case 2: //green
      R = complement;
      G = brightness;
      B = next;
    case 3: // cyan
      R = complement;
      G = prev;
      B = brightness;
    case 4: // blue
      R = next;
      G = complement;
      B = brightness;
    case 5: // magenta
      R = brightness;
      G = complement;
      B = prev;



Make this a global variable:
unsigned int segmentOffset;

Then change this:
unsigned int segmentOffset = scaledHue - (segment * 256);

to this:
segmentOffset = scaledHue - (segment * 256);


I made the changes as you suggested. But I still have a problem.

   RGB_LEDs sketch
   RGB LEDs driven from analog output ports

const int redPin = 3;    // choose the pinfor each of the LEDs
const int greenPin = 5;
const int bluePin = 6;
const boolean invert = true; // set true if common anode, false if common cathode

unsigned int segmentOffset;

int color = 0; // a value from 0 to 255 representing the hue
int R, G, B; //the Red Green and Blue color components

void setup() {
  // pins driven by analogWrite do not need to be declared as outputs


void loop() {
  int brightness = 255; // 255 is maximum brightness
  hueToRGB( color, brightness); // call functiion to convert hue to RGB
  // write the RGB values to the pins
  analogWrite(redPin, R);
  analogWrite(greenPin, G);
  analogWrite(bluePin, B);

  color++;  // increment the color
  if (color > 255) //
    color = 0;
// function to convert a olor to its Red, Green, and  Blue components.

void hueToRGB(int hue, int brightness)
  unsigned int scaleHue = (hue * 6);
  // segment 0 to 5 around the color wheel
  unsigned int segment = scaleHue / 256;
  // position within the segment
  segmentOffset = scaledHue - (segment * 256);

  unsigned int complement = 0;
  unsigned int prev = (brightness * (255 - segmentOffset)) / 256;
  unsigned int next = (brightness * segmentOffset) / 256;
  if (invert)
    brightness = 255 - brightness;
    complement = 255;
    prev = 255 - prev;
    next = 255 - next;
  switch (segment ) {
    case 0: // red
      R = brightness;
      G = next;
      B = complement;
    case 1: //yellow
      R = prev;
      G = brightness;
      B = complement;
    case 2: //green
      R = complement;
      G = brightness;
      B = next;
    case 3: // cyan
      R = complement;
      G = prev;
      B = brightness;
    case 4: // blue
      R = next;
      G = complement;
      B = brightness;
    case 5: // magenta
      R = brightness;
      G = complement;
      B = prev;



  1. scaleHue or scaledHue

  2. Curly brace missing at the bottom (end of void loop).

OK that works. Now a new question how do I get nine(9) RGB LEDs to work off one board with independent colors? I have Uno and Maga.

Look at shift register examples on how to increase pin counts.


Maybe look into charlieplexing, you might have luck there.
