After downloading Arduino 1.8.5 ,I click on the Arduino desk top icon and it brings up a page headed Sketch_nov28a and requests entry codes. Please can someone explain this.
This is normal behaviour. "Sketch_nov28a" is the default name for newly opened windows. What you see is a template for a typical arduino sketch:
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
just to remind you how a standard sketch needs to be structured
After downloading Arduino 1.8.5 ,I click on the Arduino desk top icon and it brings up a page headed Sketch_nov28a
That is normal
and requests entry codes.
That is unclear. Please explain exactly what you mean by "requests entry codes".
Please explain exactly what you mean by "requests entry codes".
Well, it says "put your setup code here".
It requests code entry, not entry codes. Just a translation problem?
Does this mean you have to generate your own entry codes, e g set up each sketch as a filed item in a filing system ?
There is no "entry codes". You write C++ code in the IDE then you press the "Upload" button and it gets compiled and then, if compilation was successful, uploaded to your Arduino board which runs the code.
If you don't want to write code you can find a nice collection of pre-written sketches under the File > Examples menu.
Really you just need to spend some time researching how to use the Arduino IDE. Your questions show you don't understand the most basic principles of how this works and there is such a tremendous amount of information already available on this topic that it's pointless for us to try to spoon feed it to you here. Once you have a general understanding and have more specific questions come back here and we'll help you out.
"Installation and troubleshooting"
For problems with Arduino itself, NOT your project
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