Sketchbook ordering semi-case sensitive from File menu

I noticed that when I go to File > Sketchbook in the 2.0 beta, the behavior is a little different from the pre-2.0 way. In 2.0, directories starting with a capital letter and containing multiple sketches will list before everything else, but sketches that start with capital letters and aren't in subdirectories just list alphabetically with all the non-capital things.

I know I might be writing that confusingly, so let me give a simple example...

Order in pre-2.0:

  • aaa
  • bbb >
    • sketch_b1
    • sketch_b2
  • ccc
  • Ddd >
    • sketch_d1
    • sketch_d2
  • Eee
  • fff

Order in 2.0:

  • Ddd >
    • sketch_d1
    • sketch_d2
  • aaa
  • bbb >
    • sketch_b1
    • sketch_b2
  • ccc
  • Eee
  • fff

(aaa, ccc, Eee, and fff are all sketches in the root sketchbook folder.)

Notice that Ddd is now displayed at the top (instead of alphabetically) in 2.0, because it's a folder containing multiple sketches and it starts with a capital letter.

(Just to be clear, when I refer to a "sketch" here, I mean the .ino file AND its containing folder with the same name.)

This behavior seems a bit unusual for me, for several reasons:

  1. It's different than the pre-2.0 behavior.
  2. It's different than the sketchbook sidebar view, which shows them all alphabetically, case-insensitive.
  3. If it has to work differently than pre-2.0, I'd expect all the folders to show up first before sketches, not just the ones starting with capital letters.

Is there a setting that changes this behavior? Or is this a bug/inconsistency? I tried searching both the forums and the github issues and couldn't find mention of this, but I may have missed it.

I'm using the IDE 2.0.0-beta.12 on MacOS 11.5.2.

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