Sleep Mask

I want to build Sleep Mask to detect REM and then blink LEDs so I can achieve lucid dream.
Is IR tracking safe for eyes? If yes, which diode should I use? Or maybe should I use accelerometer instead?

Is IR tracking safe for eyes?

I sleep with eyes closed. How do you wanna track the eye movement with the lids closed? Infrared is save for the eyes with the usual intensity and distance. It's similar to a visible LED with the same power and the same distance (open eye). If the eyes are closed IR LEDs are save for the eye.

Or maybe should I use accelerometer instead?

What do you wanna track with it? Head movement?

I have a sleep phase alarm clock that uses very simple tilt sensors to detect arm movements and wakes me up when I'm in a phase of large movements.

EEG sensors are starting to enter the gaming world. Here is an example of a wireless headset

I have read that these things do actually work, so presumably they should be able to detect a gamer who has nodded off.

Maybe wearing the headset would stop you sleeping but if you are wanting to get into a lucid dream state then you could try taking a nap with one on. If I try sleeping whilst travelling I get into a funny half asleep state that is quite interesting - worrying though, did I snore, did I speak!