slotted opto sensor with iduino

I would like to use slotted opto sensor with iduino. I want to detected the rod to come to end to stop the motor. I don't know how to use it and wire it. I have 1A05HR from Sharp. I need help how to use it.


Pin 1 to +5V.
Pin 2 to Ground.
Pin 3 to an input pin on the Arduino.

No need for any resistors as it's all inside the device.

Pin 1 is the right hand pin as you look at the pins with the slot pointing up.


thank you and it works.

I was planning to use this Slot opto senor for anenometer. How do we send the data to the computer for the speed? I tried to use code from guy who made tachmeter for motor speed and it did not work.

Time a revolution with a pulse in function. Transmit that to the computer over the serial link. Use your knowledge of the physical size of the anemometer to work out the speed.

Just like I did in 85:-

but for another computer