"Slow" blink two LEDs differently using three switches

Hey all,

Newbie here. Just learning about duinos and programming them. Attached is my first project. I'm well aware that it's not unusual to blink an LED or two, but this has a bit of a twist which allowed me to learn and have something of actual use. (I'd likely be chastised if I mentioned my specific use, so I'll refrain from doing so.)



Edit: I note in the sketch that there is a Fritzing (.fzz) file available, but it seems these forums don't allow their attachment. Next time, I'll zip up everything into a single file, but for this post, there's just the .jpg Fritzing "export". (The Fritzing file's a bit of a mess anyway, so no great loss.)

blinker_000204a.ino (13.7 KB)