Slow connection to mobile network

I have an issue where the module routinely takes exactly 20 minutes to connect. I'm trying to connect to the Telefonica IoT Germany network. After these 20 Minutes, everything works. I'm on the newest Modem firmware version. Any ideas on how to improve the connection speeds are appreciated. Changing the RAT does not change anything.

I evaluated using the "NBWebClient" example sketch.

Check the signal strenght. It may differ from what you see on your phone, I observed around here that some masts have no NB LTE-M band.

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Interesting. However, I don't think that's the issue. If I connect manually everything works fine and reception is good.
What I have noticed is that my IoT SIM only supports one provider. That was an oversight when getting it. I will change it once I get to a more "production" state and hope that will speed up things...

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