Slow Processor Does Not Work Well With MPU-6050


Just in case someone is thinking of buying an Arduino board to use with the MPU-6050 sensor:

With an Arduino Nano, in my tests, the angle calculated with the data read on the gyroscope loses reference when the sensor receives a very fast movement.

Just to get an idea of the difference in performance, the reading time of 512 samples only of the X axis of the Accelerometer with an Arduino Due was approximately 65939 us, and with the Nano was of approximately 90864us (I2C at 400kHz).

So, think about using a faster card, such as Due, an STM32, an ESP32 etc.

ESP32 may be a good choice as it has two cores, maybe we can leave one core for real-time motion processing while the other core works with other things.

The MPU-6050 is outdated, and no orientation algorithm can correct quickly for very rapid disturbances.

Consider absolute orientation sensors like the BNO055, which has a more powerful on board processor and a magnetometer for yaw measurements.