Slower Data Rate with Larger Packet Size using TCP - ESP32

Hope you are having a good day,

I am trying to maximise data rate over TCP from esp32 client to server on PC.
When I increase the packet size (by changing numOfTs from 32 to 64), the server receives the data slower.

Here is my code:

#include <WiFi.h>

/* WiFi network name and password */
const char * ssid = "WiFi Guest_";
const char * pwd = "";

/* Ip address of server (PC) and udp port - same as python script */
const char * hostIP = "";
const int port = 1234;

unsigned short* buff;

// number of adc channels and number of timesteps sent with one packet
int numOfCh = 8;
int numOfTs = 64;

int adcSample1 = 0b1111111111111110;

WiFiClient client;

void setup()
    Serial.print("Connecting to ");
    /* connect to your WiFi */
    WiFi.begin(ssid, pwd);
    /* wait until ESP32 connect to WiFi*/
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("WiFi connected with IP address: ");
    buff = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(malloc((numOfCh+2) * (numOfTs) * sizeof(short)));

void loop()
  for(int ts = 0; ts<numOfTs; ts++){
    for(int ch = 0; ch<(numOfCh); ch++){
      if(ch == 0){
        *(buff+(ts*(numOfCh+2))) = adcSample1;                                      // 0b10101010101010101010101010101010;  
        *(long*)(buff+(8 + (ts*(numOfCh+2)))) = 0b10101010101010101010101010101010; // 0b11111111111111111111111111111110;
        *(buff+(ch + (ts*(numOfCh+2)))) = adcSample1;


void sendTCP(unsigned short *packet){

 while (!client.connect(hostIP, port)){
    client.connect(hostIP, port);
 client.write((uint8_t*)packet, (sizeof(short) * (numOfCh+2) * (numOfTs)));

Am I using sendTCP() correctly? Is there a better way of using WiFiClient? Do I need to run client.connect() each time I send a packet? Using client.connected() ocassionally gives a rogue packet of a very large length.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

Bypassing the Arduino ESP32 core may gain a bit more speed with processing. The ESP32's networking API's.

Are you sure that code is correct, seems strange to call the same routine multiple times, should you be using client.connected() for the first call?

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