SM-UART-04L and Ozone 2 click


I am starting a weeny arduino ecology project. I have alredy bought theese sensors:


Ozone 2 click

But i have a problem, for the first one SM-UART-04L there is not any normal library, example code or something else. The only thing, I have found is this:
GitHub - Fjellroth/SM-UART-04L: SM-UART-04L Laser dust sensor sketch for arduino and serial read and write to CSV file for Pi (Only code, where is library? :confused: )
The second one Ozone 2 click has the same problem:
GitHub - MikroElektronika/Ozone_2_click: Library for MQ131. (Code and library, but not for arduino :frowning: )

Does anyone know where to find some normal library or example code or can tell me how to programme it?

Do not crosspost!