Small program connector for the Arduino ATtiny3217

Since 2018, new more powerful Arduino compatible microcontrollers have been added to the ATtiny series, such as the ATtiny3217. To save space on a PCB, you can use the QFN package:

FTDI connector with extra UPDI pinATtiny3217 FTDI connector with extra UPDI pin

As you can see, the standard FTDI program connector takes up a lot of space. That's why I came up with a smaller 5 pin FTDI connector (with an extra UPDI pin), which is the subject of this article:

Mini FTDI connector with extra UPDI pinSmaller program FTDI connector with extra UPDI pin for the ATtiny3217

Due to the zig-zag configuration, a pin header is not needed:


See the full article here:

Can this connector be standardized?

What does it mean?

I don't think standards work the way you think they work.

Either way, there are many solutions available, meeting different needs, and your solution isn't necessarily a good solution outside your use case. Your solution is unlikely to be ever used in commercial production. Hobbyists are most likely to not follow standards, and come up with their own solution, as you have done.

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