Has anyone used this small version of an Arduino Mega? It looks really good for projects that require a mega in a small place. Can anyone shed some light as to if it is programmed like normal Mega would be and if it requires a regulator to power it? I didn't see anything that showed it has an on-board 5V regulator, or what its voltage limits are.
It probably has a bootloader, so you can use it as a normal Mega board.
It needs 3.3V to 5V power supply, so there is no voltage regulator on the board.
I don't know if I'm happy with it. I would prefer a Teensy board, and a full Mega clone is cheaper.
Has anyone used this s
If the need involves I/O, then probably OK when considered with Peter_n's concern, but if need is driven by SRAM, a 1284 would be my choice. The Arduino 1284 core files were recently updated, so you should be good to go! Also, Crossroads has a 1284 mini-board.
2560 needs 4.5V for 16 MHz.
2560V if want to run from 3.3V/8MHz.
I do have 1284Ps in various form factor, some with regulators, some without. I prefer using 5V wallwart to power cards myself.
Hmm. Ok I'll have to think about it. The only thing I will probably use it for is my TFT touchscreen. I'm using a normal mega now, but it just seems too bulky for me, so if I can make it smaller, then I will be happy.
Does it have everything a mega has? Also I does it come with a FTDI connector or is that separate?
That one is a 1284P, crystal, caps, pullup resistor. Header for FTDI, ICSP. That's it.
No on-board USB/Serial, or voltage regulators.
32 IO, 16K SRAM, vs 53 IO, 8K SRAM.
This is a 2560 on a similar board.
I don't have a crystal on hand yet, will get one put together one of these weekends.
How much does the 2560 go for?
I'll send you a board and the PL, you can order a set of parts from digikey/mouser.
That's as far as I've got so far.
It's ok, I don't have the money now anyways, but when I do I'll keep your board in mind. Thanks CrossRoads.
I don't have a crystal on hand yet, will get one put together one of these weekends.
Please keep us apprised of your project, $ and availability.