Smaller alternative to breadboard?

Hey guys,

I need to join up a 4-5 cables and make them all go into 5V. And the same with Ground. But I don't want to use a whole breadboard as that is too big for my project.

Are there any alternatives I could use? Some kind of a 'cable joint' or a 'hub' or something?


Mini breadboards perhaps ?

Mini breadboards perhaps ?

Yeah, that's kind of a last resort. My boss says he prefers it if it's just some sort of a 'joint' that connects the wires. As opposed to a breadboard. And we need to order this thing in high numbers, so I can't 'make' it myself. Has to be some sort of a component we can buy.


Then Google for wago 222
It depends on what space you do have and what type and size you want to use.

I just discovered these little protoboards from Sparkfun: ProtoBoard - Square 1" Single Sided - PRT-08808 - SparkFun Electronics

The pins that are combined are 3 high in the rows, that gives you 9 columns of 3 high combined pins on the bottom, 9 columns of 3 high combined pins in the middle, and 3 rows of 6 columns (3 on each side) on the top (plus some extra). Here is an ascii representation of how the pins are joined:

---- ----

There is also the Schmartboard through hole power/ground strip that Radio Shack sells (and presumably you can get it elsewhere): Official Site - America's Technology Store

What are the terminations on your wires?

Then Google for wago 222
It depends on what space you do have and what type and size you want to use.

Actually I think this is perfect. Thank you so much.

And thanks everyone else for the suggestions too. :slight_smile:

Hi. MAS3 hit the head on the nail, these are very good and reliable quick connectors, and no screws or solder.

This should take you to a supplier of the wago connectors, we use them for quick and secure connections when doing prototypes and in field repairs.

Tom..... :slight_smile:


If you want something cheaper and possibly more permanent that the Wago connectors, you could use twist-on wire nuts.

hit the head on the nail

It's really upside down-under over there isn't it ? :wink:

something cheaper and possibly more permanent that the Wago connectors, you could use twist-on wire nuts.

If i get what you mean by those twist on wire nuts, then remember that the wago 222 are in the same league, and are more versatile because they can be used with a wider range of wire gauges.
(you'd have to get the right size of nut for your wires in order to get a good fit and connection of those wires).

Cold Splice Wire Tap...

Edit: link corrected

Note: I think Coding badly pasted badly... :stuck_out_tongue:

These work too...

AKA Dolphin Multiwire splice connectors... used in telephone industry.

Depending on the application, how about good old fashioned "banana" plugs and sockets?
Fashion a patch panel out of a plastic light switch cover (remove/cut off) middle piece or use a plastic blanking plate,
drill lots of holes for the sockets, wire all the blacks one in parallel, same with the red ones and use a project box/housing.

Just use the banana plugs with the "leaf springs" on the side for better contact.
There are also the mini "banana" plugs and sockets available which will make for a smaller overall unit.

This way all the joins would be made in the panel and would free up the breadboard.


I'm sure I have seen similar things on sale, just can't remember where, a quick Google should yield some results.


What's wrong with good old fashioned chocolate blocks?

What's wrong with good old fashioned chocolate blocks?


What's wrong with good old fashioned chocolate blocks?

Until I found wago, chocy blocks were my favourite, but with the spring loaded system and good insulation coverage, wago wago wago.

Sorry sounds like a cheesy shopping channel endorsement.

Tom... :slight_smile: