Smallest 12v power supply?

Hi I'm wanting to power some 12v PC fans and I'm looking for as small a power supply as possible.

Can anyone recommend some suitable options?mall the ones I've seen are fairly bulky!

Many thanks in advance!

Think about the following: the smaller the power supply is the bigger has the cooling part for it !

Well, he is powering a fan. :slight_smile:

Hoi Nick,

I read

**some **12v PC fans

Some of the (newer) fans needs some mA in case of own temperature and speed control etc., also some have led's bulit in :slight_smile:

So alphabeta279 has to define, how much (more or less exactly) fans he wants to drive and what power consumption they have in total.

Simply take a 12v power supply that is bulky, measure the current with an ammeter (multimeter) then look for a power supply to suit, give the power supply 25÷ headroom eg... if fan takes 200ma get a 12v 500ma supply, the 1 watt step down iron cores on ebay are cheap and small...

The other option which is even cheaper are smps on ebay smaller and more powerful, but they're flimsy but they would give you 20watts per buck..

I'm not sure if i like them i've blown 3 of them just from drawing too much current, ok shorted accidentally ... grrr

Hoi Nick,
Some of the (newer) fans needs some mA in case of own temperature and speed control etc., also some have led's bulit in :slight_smile:

I was making a bit of a joke. Imagine the power supply got hot, and you needed a fan. Well, here's a stroke of luck! We are powering a fan in the first place.

Hi I'm wanting to power some 12v PC fans and I'm looking for as small a power supply as possible.

Can anyone recommend some suitable options?mall the ones I've seen are fairly bulky!

Many thanks in advance!

Too vague to answer...

What's "small" to you? Where does it have to fit? Internal, external...where?

How many is "some" fans? How many amps?

12V wall warts are easy to find:

These aren't massive:

(Or without a case: )

Hoi Nick,
got it XD

Imagine the power supply got hot, and you needed a fan.

You mean. he needs the fan for cooling the power supply which is driving the fan ? 8)

Yes, exactly.

Now what size power supply do we need to run the second fan to cool the first power supply?

And if that one runs hot we might need a third fan. :stuck_out_tongue: