Smallest Storage For Custom Project?


I was wondering where I can get hands on a small storage component for a custom project that I'm working on.

Would an microSD card be a good enough?

I don't know much about storage, but I do know that the Arduino's don't have a lot of storage onboard.

This is just a quick thought I had.

Thanks for any suggestions!

What sort of data do you want to store and how much data ?

Hi, thanks for replying.

I mainly wanna store video and image data.

Sorry! Just to add to my reply.

I plan to send the data over bluetooth over to my phone.

To my understanding, the Arduino doesn't have enough storage to handle video and image data. So my thinking is, if I create a custom board that has enough storage, it would be able to take care of that.

(I'm way in over my head aren't I? lol)

So the data that's coming in wouldn't be stored in the storage. It would be sent to my phone then to an API that I created.

Have you considered how you ae going to get the data onto the Arduino ?

I mainly wanna store video and image data.

What Arduino board are you thinking of using?

The original 16MHz Arduinos (Uno, nano, Mega etc) are completely unsuitable for images or video.

A RaspberryPi would be a better option for video and image data.
