Smart meter readout with iec62056/61107 protocol

Hello all,
I'm busy with a project for my smart gasmeter.
It seems it's using iec62056 protocol with an optical sensor. I found out that by sending /?1 at 300 baud 7bits at even parity over a 38kHz modulated ir led, the meter should be talking back. But how am I going to do that. I tried the irlib2 library for testing my transmitter and receiver,they both work properly. But now I need it to send at 300 baud 7E1 or 7N1. But how? I find the library very handy for the modularing part, don't know how I could do it without the use of the library.
Is there someone who can help me with part of the code, I need a starting point so I can figure the rest out myself.
Thanks in advance.