smart switch without relay.

Hello guys,

I need a help.

I am working on a project where I need to use a GSM (SIM 800L) module which operate on 4.7V with 2A current

The problem is arduino is not capable to supply proper current to it so i use DC to DC bulk converter as external power supply with a 2A 5V power supply to it. But some time module lose network so, I need to restart it manually by opening the box and pull out Vss and reconnect i want a automatic solution for it so i code the arduino to reset the module but doing so, I have to use a relay which give a 1 sec connection of REST pinof module to the ground so it can be restate.

But i don't want to use a relay here because it tacking to much space on the box and 2nd i want a silent solution relay triggers a click sound

Get a monostable to hold down the reset for a short time and trigger the monostable with an Arduino pin.

You can make a monostable with a NE555 timer chip or buy one in the form of a 74121.


I am working on a project where I need to use a GSM (SIM 800L) module which operate on 4.7V with 2A current

The problem is arduino is not capable to supply proper current to it so i use DC to DC bulk converter as external power supply with a 2A 5V power supply to it.

That doesn’t add up, you can’t get as much out of a D.C. to D.C. converter as you put in. So why are you doing it. If you need 2A to drive it you need a power supply capable of more than 2A.

Thanks for your response I'll try this