Smart TV remote controll

I have been wanting to start a project for some time ,but i do not know where to start. The project is a arduino based smart tv remote that is controlled by your voice, it should be able to: change channels, change sound, change input, display information from the internet and play certain dvd i have burned onto a external hard~~-~~drive. it would need to transmit something that douse all of these things (more or less). it will need to test for certain commands.

can anybody suggest a way of doing this , i know the fundamentals of starting this project but i would like to hear from you. any suggests on components could make or how i could code it. i know more or less how to the voice activation side of it but i am struggling with the transmitting the right things to make my TV do these things.

if it helps i have a LG 3D TV and a LV 3D BLUE-RAY DVD PLAYERalso a macbook air.

thank you for your time.

but i would like to hear from you.

My view is that voice recognition on an Arduino is next to impossible. If you get a shield with another processor on it then the results range from poor to crap.

Even an iPad relaying data back to a massive server with massive processor and data base do not work terribly well.

The final clincher is that while you might think it is cool talking to a computer the novelty soon wares off and you feel like an absolute idiot talking into a machine, when a discrete push of a button is a lot less fuss and always right.

Sorry but that is my opinion.

I agree with that.
I have experimented in the past with pc dictation software, even with training and the massive power of a pc the results are poor.

The required typing corrections required make the time consumption unrealistic.

When used for language translation it may be useful as the listener with a human brain can often understand from the syntax , what is meant.

I know syntax is not the right term but unsure of the right word , - heuristics ??

I think you mean contex.

I think you mean contex.

I think you mean context.

Check & understand some of the voice recognized remote control, you will get more idea for your project.

This may help you.

i think i might use touch screen buttons instead of voice,

can we have some posts about controlling the Tv please.

thank you.

Yep, sure.

A very helpful ink.

i think i might use touch screen buttons instead of voice,

can we have some posts about controlling the Tv please.

thank you.

Try this

Try this

nor do i have a sony tv or want to control it via app

Then use IR. Record the codes from the TV's remote control and re-send them according to the voice control, which you said in your opening post that you more or less know how to do:-

i know more or less how to the voice activation side of it

Can you share how you plan to do the voice activation, or is it a secret?

Can you share how you plan to do the voice activation, or is it a secret?

So in other words you have no idea but you have seen a list of modules.

nor do i have a sony tv or want to control it via app

Maybe LG and LV(?) publish their protocols.

Maybe LG and LV(?) publish their protocols.

i would like to control my tv via my arduino, not via a app

Maybe LG and LV(?) publish their protocols.

I think this guy just wants someone to give him the code and a build list with instructions.

He does not seem to want to help himself.

Googling "voice recognition arduino" was pretty easy and shows some nice shields that work.

As far as the code for the IR stuff, he has not even bothered yet...or has not actually tried.
There is no evidence of him actually trying to do something for himself.

Will try again...

  1. Sniff the codes from any remotes you need, try using a library that will get any protocls and codes for you...
    Receiving and Decoding IR | Using an Infrared Library on Arduino | Adafruit Learning System

  2. If fails, do it yourself raw wise, i.e. an actual recording of the bits:
    Arduino Playground - InfraredReceivers

  3. Learn to use a voice recognition shield. Have a play with it.

  4. Once familiar with the shield, try write some code to get the whole thing to work.

  5. Then as us about particular issues.