SMD MOSFET for driving medium loads?

Whats is your go-to SMD MOSFET for driving medium loads?

I mainly worked with trough hole components so far. For small loads like LED's i generally use a BS170, and for medium and high loads i usually go for something like a IRF3205 which is probably a huge overkill most of the time.

I'm looking for a cheap(ish) SMD replacement these. Most of the time i will want to use these as a on-off switch for low to medium loads, or for PWM. Application examples are:

  • Signaling LED's and small lamps
  • 12/24V DC relays
  • buzzers
  • powering circuits, for example a 2nd Arduino.

Typically i will use them in 5 or 12V circuits, and they will be switched by a 5V arduino (a 3V option would be nice)

So far i found the AO3400A for N channel, and AO3401A for P channel.

  • These are cheap, widely available
  • offers a low (but not to low) Vgs (should work at 3v)
  • a decent Vds max of 30V
  • reasonably low Rds(on) of 32mOhm
  • max drain of 5,7A
  • SOT23 package is small but easily solderable by hand

Are these the best go-to option, or do you prefer others?

For example, it would like to to drive a rather large 200A automotive relay with a coil that uses approx 0,4A at 12v. I would need to add a flyback diode off course, but would a AO3400A be up for controlling such a high inductive load?

I'd just do a parametric search for the cheapest device matching my requirements - there are thousands of MOSFETs on the market, changing all the time.

You can get 6-pin dual MOSFETs with one p-channel and one n-channel device - then you only need one device "in-stock" for all these uses.

You need a free-wheel diode to switch an inductive load safely. The diode protects the switch.

NMOS: PMV16XN (8A or so, very low RDS, ON), IRLML2502 (5A or so), BSS138 (small signal switching). All these I primarily picked for switching properly at 3.3V VGS.
PMOS: IRLML6401 (3-4A or so); BSS170 (small signal switching).
For details on these MOSFETs refer to the respective data sheets.

Be aware that current ratings for MOSFETs are not normally useful. The on-resistance and power dissipation are much more useful.

Usually current maximum is under the assumption of infinite heatsink, ie it is not a practical rating for real-world use, but a theoretical one. If you happen to have water-cooled heatsink it becomes realistic, but that's unlikely!

For a small package you might be limited to, say, 0.1W dissipation, in which case a 50 milliohm device can handle 1.4A, or a 10 milliohm device about 3A. Power = I-squared-R

These work well:

AO4419 SOP-8 SMD P-Channel

AO4614 SOP-8 4614 N/P-Channel

AO4484 SOP-8 4484 N-Channel

I normally calculate the limits at 250 mW dissipation. I do expect the PCB it's mounted on to help out, especially as I normally place the ground plane on top (also gives much easier connection of the drains - of course no thermal relief there).

I'd just do a parametric search for the cheapest device matching my requirements - there are thousands of MOSFETs on the market, changing all the time.

You can get 6-pin dual MOSFETs with one p-channel and one n-channel device - then you only need one device "in-stock" for all these uses.

You need a free-wheel diode to switch an inductive load safely. The diode protects the switch.

Thank you for your reply! The thing is, when doing a parametric search i just have too many options. As i have little experience with SMD MOSFETs it can be hard to chooose.

NMOS: PMV16XN (8A or so, very low RDS, ON), IRLML2502 (5A or so), BSS138 (small signal switching). All these I primarily picked for switching properly at 3.3V VGS.
PMOS: IRLML6401 (3-4A or so); BSS170 (small signal switching).
For details on these MOSFETs refer to the respective data sheets.

Thanks for your suggestions. The PMV16XN has a ver nice low Rds(on) indeed, but its much more expensive, and has a Vds of only 20V. The other N-fets you mention seem to be more expensive then the dirt cheap AO3400A without offering much better specs. The PMV16XN may be interesting though.

Be aware that current ratings for MOSFETs are not normally useful. The on-resistance and power dissipation are much more useful.

Usually current maximum is under the assumption of infinite heatsink, ie it is not a practical rating for real-world use, but a theoretical one. If you happen to have water-cooled heatsink it becomes realistic, but that's unlikely!

For a small package you might be limited to, say, 0.1W dissipation, in which case a 50 milliohm device can handle 1.4A, or a 10 milliohm device about 3A. Power = I-squared-R

You may have a good point here. For previous trough hole projects is always just grap a overpowered mosfet in TO220, but for these small devices i may need to take dissipation into account.

I'm guessing heat can be a real problem for high frequency PWM application, and i would really need a lower Rds(on) and a fast switching FET.

These work well:

AO4419 SOP-8 SMD P-Channel
AO4614 SOP-8 4614 N/P-Channel
AO4484 SOP-8 4484 N-Channel

Those also loook interesting. A little larger package which is not always ideal, but for the P-fet the Rds(on) seems very low. They are not as dirt cheap as the AO3400A however, and it seems like they will not work perfectly on a Vgs of 3V, but 5V seems fine. The larger package seems to allows for more heat dissipation, so this one might be very suitable for higher power applications.

I normally calculate the limits at 250 mW dissipation. I do expect the PCB it's mounted on to help out, especially as I normally place the ground plane on top (also gives much easier connection of the drains - of course no thermal relief there).

I think you are right, and i need to take the power dissipation into account. If i look at the AO3400A datasheet i only see a maximum rating of approx 1W. Is 1/4th of that a rule of thumb for realistic dissipation?

If so a AO3400A would be able to handle 2.8A which is still plenty for most applications i have in mind, or am i missing something?

All of these suggestions are very useful for me for both current applications and future applications!

The thing is, when doing a parametric search i just have too many options.

Define only the parameters that matter to you, sort the results by price. Works for me.

Thanks for your suggestions. The PMV16XN has a ver nice low Rds(on) indeed, but its much more expensive,

Really? I find them actually very cheap. USD 0.36 a piece (for 50 pcs) on RS Components; down to a mere USD 0.12 in bulk.

The AO3400A is indeed a bit cheaper even - and is also end of life. RS doesn't offer it; Digikey has them listed as "not for new designs". The datasheet may list the successor - typically better specs for lower price.

By the way, in general a p-MOS is more expensive than an n-MOS, while the RDS, ON for a p-MOS is usually higher than that of an n-MOS.

If i look at the AO3400A datasheet i only see a maximum rating of approx 1W. Is 1/4th of that a rule of thumb for realistic dissipation?

Acceptable power dissipation depends mostly on the package size/type and the way it's mounted.

For an SOT23 in air without any heat sinking 100 mW is safe. Mounted on a PCB that goes up; attached to large copper pour it rises further, and combined with active cooling (blower or so) you may reach 1W. Nonetheless that's a LOT of power for such a tiny package.

Really? I find them actually very cheap. USD 0.36 a piece (for 50 pcs) on RS Components; down to a mere USD 0.12 in bulk.

The AO3400A is indeed a bit cheaper even - and is also end of life. RS doesn't offer it; Digikey has them listed as "not for new designs". The datasheet may list the successor - typically better specs for lower price.

By the way, in general a p-MOS is more expensive than an n-MOS, while the RDS, ON for a p-MOS is usually higher than that of an n-MOS.

0,36 $ is sure is cheap, but its easy to buy the AO3400A at prices below $ 0,02 so there is quite a bit of price gap there.

That first site ( lists the PMV16XN at just USD 0.11 in small quantity. OK it's a bit more but still dirt cheap.I don't think you're going to buy thousands of them!
I bought mine at USD 0.036, by the way. Don't know how they get it so cheap. Hope it's not a mainland-made clone.