I got a project up coming and I done designs ..etc and I came up to use a
nRF24L01 which many of you are familiar and I need to use at least 6 pins the other 2 GNS, +3.3v
7 PWM pins
14 Digital pins
6 analog pins
I2C (2 analog pins) SDA, SCL
I can't tell extra details because reasons .. but I'd like if you can to suggest me a smd microcontroller
to use compatible with arduino, what I mean? (Arduino IDE, bootload..etc)
I came up to use 3 atmega328 even the smd ones need a lot of space and planing to upgrade my to something with more pins.
Is a good idea as well but made a small research and found out that the 1284 cost more than the 2560,
not sure why buy the prices was like 1284 a single pc. 8$ amd 2560 as well only one pc. 4.5$
Not sure why the price is like that but makes more sense to me to buy the 2560 with 100 pins and cheaper
than 1284 with less pins and expensive
Well you did not mention that in your Original Post
and to solder the 2560 on it and use it as regular CPU's like on PC (personal computers) on my circuits,
the reason is because when I'm making my PCB's at home I can not make lines less than 0.8 or 0.4 mm
because I use transfer paper and the lines sometimes don't transfer perfectly because they are small.
@Domino60, you have not told us what is your capability for working with surface-mount components.
For example can you design and fabricate a suitable PCB (or have your design manufactured elsewhere)?
Can you locate and solder the devices onto the PCB?
What sort of SMD devices are you able to work with? SOIC? TQFP? ? ?
If you can design and fabricate your own PCB you could save a huge amount of space compared with the board in the picture in Reply #6.
But if you are considering that board I find it hard to understand why the size of 3 SMD Atmega 328's is a problem as mentioned in your Original Post.
I never worked with smd components thats the trouth, I got some orders lately and planing to upgrade my skills and components to smd.
The 3 atmegas328 is a problem because don't mean the smd ones but the long not so huge but huge ones like the arduino uno, they are nice and easy to work with but I don't have the space for such ones so thats why I need the smd ones.
Using as well 3 smd 328 ones is not a problem but is extra work thru I2c.. .etc
Yes I'm doing my pcbs at home and its hard to papper transfer tehnique small pins pads like for smd atmegaz so that's why I want to use the tq... pcb
I don't have other plan right now and I don't want to use more microcontrollers because its pain in the a*s to write extra code thru I2C to synhronize the data and make everything work good.
If you look at the Atmega datasheets you will see that they come in a variety packages. If you can make a PCB I suspect the SOIC versions would be much easier to use than the other, smaller, SMD formats while still being a great deal smaller than the PDIP versions.
I recently got some SOIC Attiny1634s for a project where I want a small package of nRF24 and Arduino.
Online suppliers like RS Components allow you to select chips by package type - which might be more effective than browsing Atmel's website.