Smiley-frame in wrong layer?


Hi @my_xy_projekt. Thanks for your report. I'm not sure I understood the problem. Is the problem you reporting that the forum header covers the top of the emoji dialog?

Did the problem start recently, or did the forum always have this behavior?

Does the problem only occur if you have resized the browser window to small dimensions, or does it also occur if you maximize the browser window? Does the problem only occur if you have increased the vertical dimensions of the post composer panel to be close to the header, or does it occur even after you decrease the vertical size of the panel by dragging the panel's top "sash" down with the mouse pointer?

Good Morning,
yes, the problem is hiding the emojy frame by the header.

When I type something in the search bar at the top, it doesn't show. I already have very bad vision, but it's totally blinding me
I can't say for sure when this started occurring.
I just noticed it more yesterday because I was working a bit more with emojys.

I always work with full screen.

When the editor frame is zoomed in, the emojy frame moves to the right into the preview area.

But! Then the upper frame is so small that there is almost nothing to read. If I then want to quote from there, it becomes a patience game.

My config:netbook 1366x768 pixels. More is not possible ... and touchpad :sob:

I understand now. I can reproduce the issue even on the Discourse Meta Forum:


So it is caused by the Discourse forum software itself rather than something about Arduino Forum's specific Discourse instance. I recommend submitting a bug report to the Discourse developers. There are instructions here:

I recently submitted my first bug report to Discourse and found it to be a very positive experience.

Ok, then it stays as it is.
I have written where it is stuck. Point.

If I now have to find out every time who I have to write to when something is stuck, then I read it. My time is too valuable for that. And too valuable.
It is a mistake.
It is confirmed.
That is the end of the matter for me.
Please consider: You had the discussion that Issues should be opened at github.
Now you want to create an issue at discourse.
And tomorrow someone comes along and says I should write a whatsapp-message?

No! That's not going to work.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, but this is just a fact of life. If you want them to be fixed, you have to submit defect reports to the place where the developers of the codebase that contains the defect will see it.

Sometimes that is a GitHub issue tracker, but in this case, it is the Discourse Meta forum. The free open source Discourse forum platform is developed on GitHub, but they have disabled the issue tracker in the repository because they want the reports to be made on the forum).

I get it.
This is the much-vaunted revolution that comes with digitization.
Welcome to the age of the 21st century, where we start making every little bit of crap as complicated as possible.
Let the machines have their raison d'être.

No I'm not duplicating my bug report. And that's the end of it here.

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