SMS using 1Sheeld


Having trouble with the 1Sheeld library for SMS. I got my 1 sheeld plugged in with the UNO and got it started up but the script says 'Onesheeld needs to be declared' for some reason. I don't know what went wrong. Can anyone help? My guess is that the OneSheeld.h file should be placed somewhere. But it's with all the other .h and .cpp files so i'm confused.

The script is below.


SMS Shield Example

This example shows an application on 1Sheeld's SMS shield.

By using this example, you can send a SMS when the value
of the smartphone's temperature sensor exceeds a certain


/* Include 1Sheeld library. */
#include <OneSheeld.h>

/* Define a boolean flag. */
boolean isMessageSent = false;

void setup()
/* Start communication. */

void loop()
/* Always check if the temperature value is larger than a certain value. /
if (TemperatureSensor.getValue() > 30)
Send the SMS. /
SMS.send("1234567890","Room Temperature is higher than 30 degree!");
Set the flag. */
isMessageSent = true;

/* Reset the flag. */
isMessageSent = false;

but the script says 'Onesheeld needs to be declared' for some reason.

No, the sketch says nothing like that. The compiler might, when compiling the sketch.

I don't know what went wrong.

Any you have not done an adequate job of describing what you see, so we don't either.

Can anyone help?

See above.

My guess is that the OneSheeld.h file should be placed somewhere.

It almost certainly should.

But it's with all the other .h and .cpp files so i'm confused.

Where is that? \dev\NULL?

Hi to all,

Don't worry i've figured it out.
