Software for visualizing data


I am trying to visualize a lot of measuring points (60.000+) ... I usually use Excel, but it does not really like the amount of data very much.

Any suggestions on what to use instead?




I don't believe it has a "maximum number of data points" - I think it is only limited by the amount of memory you have (I'm pretty certain when I was taking Stanford's online ML course last year, we used and plotted some very large datasets using Octave, which uses GNUplot for visualization).

Note that gnuplot is a command-line style application, and not GUI based - I am sure, though, that GUI front-ends do exist for it (haven't looked, though).

Another thing to think about might be to break the data up, or use statistical methods (?) to visualize the data (which might help to reduce the dataset needed for the visualization). I can't help you much here, but it is something to consider...

Here's a GUI front-end in java for GNUplot called JGP: JAVA gnuplot GUI download |

I've not used it, but it seems well designed; whether it can handle large datasets, though...

excel also isn't limiting me in regards to maximum data-points - its just performing very badly.

thanks for digging up those links. i'll give that a shot.

there probably also are better ways of managing my data as well



60000 data points is NOT a lot. However I also recommend Gnuplot. There exist even python bindings for it.

Then there is rrd, And if you have really large datasets and do not mind a more heavy weight tool you could look to what CERN does: ROOT: analyzing petabytes of data, scientifically. - ROOT.