Software Serial read HEX

I have a very simple sketch that reads an string received from an Xbee device.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial XbeePort(2,3);

String XbeeString = "";// a string to hold incoming data

void setup() {
  // initialize serial:
  // reserve 200 bytes for the inputString:

void loop() {
  while (XbeePort.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    byte inChar = ((byte);
        XbeeString += inChar;
        if (XbeeString.length() == 108){

What I receive is:


What I am actually looking for is the HEX string:
7E 00 0D A1..................

How would I convert the DEC bytes received and convert them to HEX and write them to the String array.

126 is 0x7e.
Why not just use the HEX specifier in your print?

Oh, and please try not to use String.

I am attempting to convert the DEC to HEX as the bytes are received.
If not a string - what else?

If not a string - what else?

Why, a string, of course. Which is NOT the same thing as a String, which is what you were warned about.

Some people like to point out the difference between string and String.

use arrays of char instead. ( And make up your mind if you need 100 or 200 )

char XbeeString [200];

if you need it at all.
Be happy you got the data so nicely, just convert it to a format like " 7E 00 0D " in Serial.print