For Bluetooth communication, I set up a SoftwareSerial port at 38400 Baud. With help of micros(), I measure about 30ms for only 1 byte, which I find extremly slow.
I don't see anything in my code, which could slow it down...
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(13, 10); // RX, TX
long sendtime = 0;
long receivetime = 0;
void setup() {
 pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
void loop() {
 sendtime = micros();
 while ((char) != 'A') {}
 receivetime = micros();
 Serial.println(String((receivetime - sendtime) / 1000.0) + "ms");
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(A5, A4);//rx tx
void setup() {
void loop() {
 while ((char) != 'A') {}
Oh, it works properly. Everything is sent and received just fine, no losses, no scrambled data.
My only problem is, that it takes so long and I don't understand why.
A bluetooth connection with these HC-05 and HC-06 modules should be completely transparent, just as if you used wire.
But serial communication over wire does not take 30ms
A bluetooth connection with these HC-05 and HC-06 modules should be completely transparent, just as if you used wire.
But serial communication over wire does not take 30ms
I think this is nonsense. Software serial is not the same as hardware serial. You are specifically complaining about bluetooth connection with software serial and implying the bleeding obvious - that communication over wire with hardware serial is fine. This seems to be an apples and oranges situation. Have you actually tested the wire connection with software serial?
Oh, it works properly. Everything is sent and received just fine, no losses, no scrambled data.
My only problem is, that it takes so long and I don't understand why.
I find it hard to reconcile the phrases I have highlighted.