SoftwareSerial redecalred as a different kind of entity

Hi everyone, I'm having some issues getting my code running and I'm not sure exactly sure what it wants me to do.

here is my code

//include libraries
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial esp8266(3, 2); //RX pin = 3, TX pin = 2

//definition of variables
#define DEBUG true //show messages between ESP8266 and Arduino in serial port
int state = 5; //define initial state of the robot (5 = stand-by)
//define motor pins
const int motor1Pin1 = 5;
const int motor1Pin2 = 6;
const int motor2Pin1 = 9;
const int motor2Pin2 = 10;
//define motor speed
int motorSpeed = 150; //motor speed (PWM)

void setup()
  //set pin modes
  pinMode(motor1Pin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1Pin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2Pin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2Pin2, OUTPUT);

  //start communication

  sendData("AT+RST\r\n", 2000, DEBUG); //reset module
  sendData("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n", 1000, DEBUG); //set station mode
  sendData("AT+CWJAP=\"XXXXX\",\"YYYYY\"\r\n", 2000, DEBUG); //connect wi-fi network (replace XXXXX by your Wi-Fi router SSID and YYYYY by its password
  delay(5000); //wait for connection

  sendData("AT+CIFSR\r\n", 1000, DEBUG); //show IP address
  sendData("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n", 1000, DEBUG); //allow multiple connections
  sendData("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n", 1000, DEBUG); // start web server on port 80

void loop()

  if (esp8266.available())  //verify incoming data
    if (esp8266.find("+IPD,")) //if there is a message
      String msg;
      esp8266.find("?"); //look for the message
      msg = esp8266.readStringUntil(' '); //read whole message
      String command = msg.substring(0, 3); //first 3 characters = command

      //move forward
      if (command == "cm1") {
        state = 1;

      //move backward
      if (command == "cm2") {
        state = 2;

      //turn right
      if (command == "cm3") {
        state = 3;

      //turn left
      if (command == "cm4") {
        state = 4;

      //do nothing
      if (command == "cm5") {
        state = 5;


  //STATE 1: move forward
  if (state == 1) {
    analogWrite(motor1Pin1, motorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);
    analogWrite(motor2Pin1, motorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);
  //STATE 2: move backward
  if (state == 2) {
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);
    analogWrite(motor1Pin2, motorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);
    analogWrite(motor2Pin2, motorSpeed);
  //STATE 3: move right
  if (state == 3) {
    analogWrite(motor1Pin1, motorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);
    analogWrite(motor2Pin2, motorSpeed);
  //STATE 4: move left
  if (state == 4) {
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);
    analogWrite(motor1Pin2, motorSpeed);
    analogWrite(motor2Pin1, motorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);
  //STATE 5: do nothing
  if (state == 5) {
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);


//Auxiliary functions
String sendData(String command, const int timeout, boolean debug)
  String response = "";
  long int time = millis();
  while ( (time + timeout) > millis())
    while (esp8266.available())
      char c =;
      response += c;
  if (debug)
  return response;

error messages are below

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled (new aborts on oom), Disabled, All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced), Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM, 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), 2, v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

sketch_mar10c:4:23: error: 'SoftwareSerial esp8266' redeclared as different kind of entity

    4 | SoftwareSerial esp8266(3, 2); //RX pin = 3, TX pin = 2

      |                       ^

In file included from C:\Users\gears\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.0.2\cores\esp8266/Arduino.h:42,

                 from sketch\sketch_mar10c.ino.cpp:1:

C:\Users\gears\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.0.2\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_version.h:121:11: note: previous declaration 'namespace esp8266 { }'

  121 | namespace esp8266 {

      |           ^~~~~~~

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'void setup()':

sketch_mar10c:30:10: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   30 |   esp8266.begin(9600);

      |          ^

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'void loop()':

sketch_mar10c:48:14: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   48 |   if (esp8266.available())  //verify incoming data

      |              ^

sketch_mar10c:50:16: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   50 |     if (esp8266.find("+IPD,")) //if there is a message

      |                ^

sketch_mar10c:53:14: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   53 |       esp8266.find("?"); //look for the message

      |              ^

sketch_mar10c:54:20: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   54 |       msg = esp8266.readStringUntil(' '); //read whole message

      |                    ^

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'String sendData(String, int, boolean)':

sketch_mar10c:130:10: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  130 |   esp8266.print(command);

      |          ^

sketch_mar10c:134:19: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  134 |     while (esp8266.available())

      |                   ^

sketch_mar10c:136:23: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  136 |       char c =;

      |                       ^

exit status 1

'SoftwareSerial esp8266' redeclared as different kind of entity

Change esp8266 throughout the sketch to another name for the SS object

That ended up fixing the first problem thank you!

but Now I am getting another error

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled (new aborts on oom), Disabled, All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced), Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM, 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), 2, v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'void setup()':

sketch_mar10c:30:10: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   30 |   esp8266.begin(9600);

      |          ^

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'void loop()':

sketch_mar10c:48:14: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   48 |   if (esp8266.available())  //verify incoming data

      |              ^

sketch_mar10c:50:16: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   50 |     if (esp8266.find("+IPD,")) //if there is a message

      |                ^

sketch_mar10c:53:14: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   53 |       esp8266.find("?"); //look for the message

      |              ^

sketch_mar10c:54:20: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

   54 |       msg = esp8266.readStringUntil(' '); //read whole message

      |                    ^

C:\Users\gears\Desktop\New folder\sketch_mar10c\sketch_mar10c.ino: In function 'String sendData(String, int, boolean)':

sketch_mar10c:130:10: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  130 |   esp8266.print(command);

      |          ^

sketch_mar10c:134:19: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  134 |     while (esp8266.available())

      |                   ^

sketch_mar10c:136:23: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

  136 |       char c =;

      |                       ^

Using library SoftwareSerial at version 6.12.7 in folder: C:\Users\gears\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.0.2\libraries\SoftwareSerial 

exit status 1

expected primary-expression before '.' token

I think you missed this part:

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