Softwareserial vs. FrequencyTimer2 vs. Servo

I am running an arduino with a single servo (driven with the Servo library),

2 encoders (debounced using the frequencytimer2 library) and a VMUSIC2 mp3 player that I interface with using the SoftwareSerial library. I also have another arduino connected ia I2C and a 3rd arduino connected by the UART.

There is also a bunch of other stuff connected but in the end the only pins I have free are: 10 and 11.

The problem is that I need to get the SoftwareSerial library to work on one of those two pins (all I need is TX capability).

Unfortunately the Servo library disables pin 10 from being used as an output (is there any way to hack this in the Servo library?)

And things are not working on pin 11 which makes me think that FrequencyTimer2 conflicts with SoftwareSerial in some way.
From what I understood, FrequencyTimer2 takes the pwm timers away from pins 3 and 11 but I thought those pins still retained digital i/o.
Also I am never calling FrequencyTimer2::enable() so pin 11 should not be acting as toggled output.

Anyone know if there is some conflict I am not aware of with libraries/pins I am using?

Any way to make either pin 10 or 11 work for SOftwareSerial?

If not I am going to have to put the functionality on one of the slave arduinos but I would rather keep it on the master if possible.
