SoftwareSerial wrapper class problem!!!

Hello guys,

I created custom classes for my bluetooth and wi-fi modules each with SoftwareSerial data field.
After that i create two objects from these classes, and i call initialize function for each of them.
First i initialize wifi and after that bluetooth, and here comes the problem. I can read only from bluetooth wrapper object. If i changed initializing order first bluetooth after that wifi, read is available only for wifi.
Here is my code with only basics.

class SoftwareSerial;
class Wifi {
** Wifi ();**
** ~Wifi ();**
** void initialize();**
SoftwareSerial* wifi_serial;
Wifi::Wifi ()
Wifi::~Wifi ()
** delete wifi_serial;**
void Wifi::initialize (const int speed_serial)
** wifi_serial = new SoftwareSerial(PIN_WIFI_RX, PIN_WIFI_TX);**
** pinMode(PIN_WIFI_TX, OUTPUT);**
** digitalWrite(PIN_WIFI_TX, HIGH);**
** wifi_serial->begin(speed_serial);**

class SoftwareSerial;
class Bluetooth {
** Bluetooth ();**
** ~Bluetooth ();**

** void initialize();**
SoftwareSerial* bluetooth_serial;

Bluetooth::Bluetooth ()
Bluetooth::~Bluetooth ()
** delete bluetooth_serial;**
void Bluetooth::initialize (const int serial_speed)
** bluetooth_serial = new SoftwareSerial(PIN_BTH_RX, PIN_BTH_TX);**
** pinMode(PIN_BTH_TX, OUTPUT);**
** digitalWrite(PIN_BTH_TX, HIGH);**
** bluetooth_serial->begin(serial_speed);**

So... i created two instance from each class

Bluetooth bluetooth;
Wifi wifi;

void setup ()

In this case only wifi is available for read.
If order is changed like this

void setup ()

Now i can read only from bluetooth.

Please someone to explain where i am wrong.

Does this help ?

Yes, thank you. I found my problem. SoftwareSerial.listen() function.

I found my problem.

That may be one of your problems.

Another one, though, is assuming that new actually returned a valid pointer. Another one is assuming that the pointer passed to delete is actually valid.

Neither assumption is necessarily valid.

why are you dynamically allocating them anyway?