Solar cells charging lithium ion batteries

Hi there,
I was wondering if anybody could give me some advice/guidance on a project I am working on.

I currently have multiple lithium ion batteries, linked below, and would like to connect them in parallel so there is enough current to power a remote controlled DC motor in a boat and Arduino.

I was wondering how would I go about charging these batteries with solar cells? Would the batteries be able to charge while connected in parallel?
Also if any body could recommend me any other parts needed besides the solar cells and batteries to get the power system working that would be great.


You can charge Li batteries in parallel only if they start out at about the same age, same state of charge and are always connected together thereafter. Otherwise, they need to be charged individually.

This Li battery charger from Adafruit works great with solar cells: USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger [Rev C] : ID 390 : $17.50 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
I got great deals on matching solar panels at SeeedStudio: 1 watt and 3 watt