solar panel temperature status

Hi everyone,

I want to share my first finished project with you:

It's basically an arduino that collects 3 different temperatures via DS1820 and displays them on an (huge) LCD. The temperatures are taken from the central heating and from the solar panels on the roof of my parents house. All 3 sensors are wired together through a single wire that runs through the whole house. The display is located in the living room. My father did most of the hardware, I did most of the programming.

Click on the images for a larger view.

I know it's all pretty basic stuff, but I've you have any comments I'd like to hear them :slight_smile:

My first thought was "That LCD's massive!"

I have a 40x4 about that size :smiley:

Looks very clean. I like how you moved/added another USB B to the front panel for re-programming.


Yes. that extra USB Connector came in very handy already since we had to change the time each temperature is shown to a much higher value.

The red button is reset, the green is a power switch and the big knob is for display contrast.