I live off-grid, have a solar system and 24 trojan T-105 batteries. many times the batteries just go to float around lunch time and no more energy is being harvested that could be harvested and turned into cash.
I recently purchased the following:
antminer S9
3 of 750Watt hotswap hp server powersupply
2 of SODIAL For HP 1200w/750w Breakout Board for GPU Open Rig Mining
1 of PSU ETH ZEC Mining Power Supply 12V GPU Breakout Board+ 16AWG 6Pin PCI-E to 6+2 Pin Power (Cable 27.5Inch Length 70CM )
I would like the bitcoin miner to get powered once the batteries are being fully charged and go into float mode.
The batteries can be monitored and broadcast their status via MQTT.
once the sun goes down the miner should get shut off properly and rest quietly in the corner.
supposedly to correct way to shut the miner(s) off is to login via ssh for xample root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and then enter the passwd, and when logged in just write: poweroff
after wait 2-4min to cool down the miner, cut off power.
How can that be accomplished?