Soldering Iron Switch

I haven't done any wiring of household electrical circuitry. However I have some spare outlets and wall switches. I just got a new soldering iron, this time with a good stand for it, since the last one shorted after rolling over and melting it's own cable.. :cry:

I'd like to make a switch to turn this iron on and off. I see projects around to use a dial to control the wattage, but I'd just like a simple on/off switch. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Something more than a power strip with a switch?

How about a switched outlet?

They're not supposed to melt their own cords. A good one, which is not exceptionally expensive, will have a silicone rubber cord.

You might want to consider a switch with an auto-off timer, assuming your iron doesn't have one built in.

You might want to consider a switch with an auto-off timer,

Good idea.!q=timer

What if I wanted to craft one myself?

Sure, get a switched outlet

a box to put it in, faceplate to cover the innards, a 3-prong power cord from something, and a clamp to secure the power cord to the box
and put it all together.
Pretty sure you can find all the bits at Home Depot in the electrical section, ask around. Or your local hardware store if you have one.
Make a 2-wide box and you can have 2 switched outlets, or a couple extra unswitched outlets for some LED desk lamps to brighten your work area.

~ $17.00

I see projects around to use a dial to control the wattage, but I'd just like a simple on/off switch.

Trust me you want a temperature controlled iron - no point in buying anything else (except perhaps
a 12V cheapo iron for the car boot).

I use a power strip where I plug my soldering iron into and my shop light is plugged into it. When I switch off the strip to kill the lights, I don't have to worry if I left the iron on.