Soldering wire onto MOSFET

I have a lot of these MOSFETs N-Channel MOSFET 60V 30A - COM-10213 - SparkFun Electronics
I soldered them to a PCB and used large solder traces (I plan to use these with high current at 12 volts)
I need to solder some large thick wires to these for the high current, but the wires are to thick to go through the holes on the PCB.
I noted in the data sheet the drain of the MOSFET is connected to the head sink on it. Can I just solder the large wires to the heat sink of the MOSFET?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?

You'll have to solder the wires to a ring terminal, first, and then fasten that to the heatsink.

If you solder to the heatsink you may overheat the chip. And you won't be able to use it as a heatsink. use
a nut/bolt and solder tag if you want.

You can drill out PCB holes larger.

You can mount veropins or similar on the board and solder wires to them.