Firstly, thank you to everyone on this forum. As a tinkerer without a degrees in electrical engineering, I would not have as many small successes without the generous folks here.
My question is this:
I am triggering a 40v Solenoid with an Arduino Mega via a FQP30N06L MOSFET. I am monitoring the temperature of this solenoid with a DS18B20 one wire digital temp sensor. It worked as expected when I quickly tested to see if the EMF from the solenoid would affect the temp sensor, which it did not. Now that I have the components in a circuit (and sharing a ground) when the solenoid is active the temp sensor spits out a -196. With my limited electrical knowledge I'm thinking that there must be a voltage drop across the sensor when the solenoid is active. Something that could probably be solved with a capacitor?
I'd love to be able to read the temp when the solenoid is active. Anyone have any insight on how i might be able to do it?
Many Thanks