solenoid program

hi, I am working on writing a program that will open a solenoid when a momentary button is pressed and will stay open for a set amount of time depending on what setting a rotary switch is on. Right now everything works except setting one. Setting one I want the solenoid to stay open for as long as the momentary button is being pressed. Right now when I press the button the solenoid opens, but wont turn off when I release the button. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

const int buttonPin=12;
const int solenoidPin=11;
const int knobSetting1=3;
const int knobSetting2=5;
const int knobSetting3=6;

void setup() {
 pinMode(solenoidPin, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(knobSetting1, INPUT_PULLUP);
 pinMode(knobSetting2, INPUT_PULLUP);
 pinMode(knobSetting3, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop(){
//setting one. The setting I am having trouble with

if(digitalRead(buttonPin)==LOW)//if the button is pressed
if(digitalRead(knobSetting1)==LOW)//If the rotary switch is on setting one
digitalWrite(solenoidPin,HIGH);//solenoid open

else if (digitalRead(buttonPin!=LOW))
digitalWrite(solenoidPin,LOW);//solenoid closed

//setting two
if (digitalRead(buttonPin)==LOW)//if the button is pressed
if(digitalRead(knobSetting2)==LOW)//if the rotary switch is on position two

  digitalWrite(solenoidPin,HIGH);//solenoid open
  delay(3000);//solenoid open for 3sec
  digitalWrite(solenoidPin,LOW);//solenoid closed

if (digitalRead(buttonPin)==LOW)//if the button is pressed
if(digitalRead(knobSetting3)==LOW)//if the rotary switch is in position three

  digitalWrite(solenoidPin,HIGH);//open solenoid
  delay(6000);//keep solenoid open for 6sec
  digitalWrite(solenoidPin,LOW);//close solenoid
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) //if the button is pressed
    if (digitalRead(knobSetting1) == LOW) //If the rotary switch is on setting one
      digitalWrite(solenoidPin, HIGH); //solenoid open

    else if (digitalRead(buttonPin != LOW))
      digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW); //solenoid closed

Maybe add a few pairs of { and }; they don't cost much. Which if does the else if belong to? If properly indented (as above), it belongs the second if ahnd hence can never be true.

Use tools -> auto format in the IDE to proeprly indent; it makes it easier to spot errors.

Sterretje, thanks for the tips. I started learning about coding and microcontrollers in general a couple months ago and definitely have more to learn. The else if needs to go with
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW)
How do i pair it to that if and not the
if (digitalRead(knobSetting1) == LOW)? Thanks!

By using { and }.

  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) //if the button is pressed
    if (digitalRead(knobSetting1) == LOW) //If the rotary switch is on setting one
      digitalWrite(solenoidPin, HIGH); //solenoid open
  else if (digitalRead(buttonPin != LOW))
    digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW); //solenoid closed

In this situation you also don't need the second if (digitalRead(buttonPin != LOW)); a digitalRead either gives a HIGH or a LOW, there is no third/fourth/... possible value for which you might have wanted the else if.

Which brings the code to

  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) //if the button is pressed
    if (digitalRead(knobSetting1) == LOW) //If the rotary switch is on setting one
      digitalWrite(solenoidPin, HIGH); //solenoid open
    digitalWrite(solenoidPin, LOW); //solenoid closed

Great! I will try that out and see if it works. Thanks again!