Hi folks,
I'm very, very inexperienced when it comes to Arduinos, so I hope you will bear with me.
I have a 3D printer that runs on a RAMPS shield and a Mega 2560. Something on the shield seems to have been damaged and it has now rendered two Arduinos unusable.
I have a solid orange light at pin 13 and I get a timeout error trying to upload the blink sketch. From the bit of reading that I've done, it seems that I may have corrupted the bootloader.
I would love to salvage the megas if possible. Can anyone give me some pointers on how I might proceed? I'm willing to pick up a USB programmer, but I'm just not sure what I need. Most of the ones that I've seen indicate that they are unable to flash a bootloader on a 2560.
I've tried to upload the sketch on two Macs. One running 10.6.8 and another running 10.8 with the same results. The system profiler shows the Arduino, and the port appears in the menu of the IDE.
Thanks in advance.