[Solv]Questions regarding bootloader, avr chip, Standalone arduino and RX and TX

1, do I have to burn the bootloader to a new avr chip in order to use arduino IDE to program it?

2, I think I can use pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 in my uno as an ISP to program a new avr chip. Am I correct?

3, I have to burn a bootloader to a new sthandalone avr chip, for uploading sketch using RX and TX pin of my uno. am I correct? and I need to remove the chip from my uno to do so?

4, I have a new Amega8 chip. can I use it in my uno board? it is the same size. if yes, do I just burn the bootloader to this chip and put it into my uno, and it will work?

thank you

  1. You can buy ATmega328p chips with bootloader. But since you don't know if that bootloader is good, you should burn the bootloader anyway.

  2. Yes. On the Arduino Uno it is called the ICSP header. You can see it in the schematics.

  3. I don't understand. You can burn the bootloader by placing an ATmega328P chip in the Uno and use a programmer and the ICSP header. After that you can use RX and TX.
    However, you can also upload a sketch without bootloader. You can do that only with a programmer and the ICSP header, and it is somewhere in the Arduino IDE menu to upload without bootloader.
    You can also use the Arduino Uno as a programmer, called "Arduino as ISP". So you can use the Arduino Uno to burn a bootloader in another ATmega chip.

  4. An ATmega8 chip running at 16MHz ? Then is it is compatible with the Arduino ATmega8 NG.
    You can place the ATmega8 in the Uno and use a programmer and ICSP header to burn the ATmega8 NG bootloader.
    The ATmega8 will work in the Arduino Uno (I have never done that, but I think it will work).


  1. You can buy ATmega328p chips with bootloader. But since you don't know if that bootloader is good, you should burn the bootloader anyway.

  2. Yes. On the Arduino Uno it is called the ICSP header. You can see it in the schematics.

  3. I don't understand. You can burn the bootloader by placing an ATmega328P chip in the Uno and use a programmer and the ICSP header. After that you can use RX and TX.
    However, you can also upload a sketch without bootloader. You can do that only with a programmer and the ICSP header, and it is somewhere in the Arduino IDE menu to upload without bootloader.
    You can also use the Arduino Uno as a programmer, called "Arduino as ISP". So you can use the Arduino Uno to burn a bootloader in another ATmega chip.

  4. An ATmega8 chip running at 16MHz ? Then is it is compatible with the Arduino ATmega8 NG.
    You can place the ATmega8 in the Uno and use a programmer and ICSP header to burn the ATmega8 NG bootloader.
    The ATmega8 will work in the Arduino Uno (I have never done that, but I think it will work).

okay, thank you a lot. I think I got it.