[Solved] Arduino Control 16MB SD Card

I Have 16MB SD Card. I want to write data to SD card. i uploaded ReadWrite code to Arduino UNO but
it said: "Initialization Failed". Then I uploaded card info sketch. it said:

Initializing SD card...Wiring is correct and a card is present.

Card type: SD1

Volume type is FAT12

Volume size (bytes): 14848000
Volume size (Kbytes): 14500
Volume size (Mbytes): 14

Files found on the card (name, date and size in bytes):

The Problem is that My SD Card Volume type is FAT12 but SD Card Library only supports FAT16 and FAT32 SD Card Volume types.

My Question is that:

Is there any library to control FAT12 SD Card?
How to Change My SD Card Volume type from FAT12 to FAT16 using Windows 7 or Arduino (is it possible to format SD Card using Arduino and Change Volume Type from FAT12 to FAT16)?

Volume type is FAT12

SD.h does not support FAT12. The standard format for cards 16 MB and smaller is FAT12.

SdFat has a formatter, the SdFormatter example, which will format a 16 MB card FAT16.

It is also possible to enable FAT12 support with SdFat but FAT12 support has not been well tested.

Thanks It Worked!