[SOLVED] Arduino drivers for Windows 8.1 64bit

Hi guys, I just bought an Arduino UNO rev3, and I'm trying to install drivers on my Windows 8.1 64-bit machine. I installed the Arduno 1.5.5 package. Once I plugged Arduino in my laptop, it installed a driver. However, the IDE can't connect to it.
I opened the Device Manager and I'm not able to install the driver from local computer. It just says that Windows is not able to install that driver package (code 28?). What should I do?

i just looked it up on google
code 28 mean the drivers are not installed meaning the drivers did not install during setup
heres what you do

1.go to contorl panel -> system and secrity -> under system there is Device manager Click it
2. under other devices there maybe two or more devices without drivers for the arduino there is only one device
its a serual port i think i can't remember the name of it anyways
3. right click the device that you've want to install the driver -> properites -> driver tab -> update driver -> browse my computer manualy -> let me pick the driver -> click have disk -> browse
4. browse the install dir
for 64-bit it maybe in %systemdrive%/program files/arduino/drivers/arduino.inf or in %systemdrive%/program files(x86)/arduino/drivers/arduino.ini
5. click arduino.inf(arduino) and press ok and ok then chose your arduino type and then press next
6. it will install the driver without error
if it has an error post the error code to the forum
7.no error then your done!

Unfortunately, that's what i've done. It doesn't work, it returns me a generic error: "Unable to install driver".
Should I try with 1.0.5?

UPDATE: It came out that - for some reasons - Windows x64 doesn't accapt "untrusted drivers", like Arduino's.

did you try this?

Thank you, it works! :slight_smile:

I am glad this worked as I am dealing with the exact same problem. Just in case you were wondering the issue is the same on 1.0.5.

i am having problem update driver software - unknown device

it said windows encountered a problem installing the drive software for your device. the video i made. problem with serial port Arduino uno on Window 8.1 - YouTube

even thought i download from http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm on window 8.1. 64 bit it does not works after the zipped them. do you know any one know how to solve it? please help thanks

I am having the same driver installation issue. One Windows 8/64bit worked perfectly, my grandson's would not install/update drivers from Device Manager. I have been trying all suggestions from these two threads.

There is another current thread:

Serial Port Issue started by: HipOrc


Hopefully we can resolve this soon.

Thanks everyone,


i am having problem update driver software - unknown device

it said windows encountered a problem installing the drive software for your device. the video i made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZpyPgk5NmU

even thought i download from http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm on window 8.1. 64 bit it does not works after the zipped them. do you know any one know how to solve it? please help thanks

i solved this by!!!!! Serial Port Issue - IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum

Maybe Certificate Driver Signing is Expired !

In my instalation, Certificate for Aduino Drivers is issued by GlobalSign CodeSigning CA to Arduino LLC and is valid from 12/18.2012 to 12/19/2013 ... so, all instalation starting with 20 December 2013 will not work.

Simplest and fastest solution:

    • temporarily set the system date back in time prior to December 20, 2013. Eg, December 1, 2013.
    • install drivers using steps from thegreatestdjhero replay (2'nd replay) or with right-clik mouse over arduino.inf chose Install option.
    • restore system date


I got this message error when I intall my arduino leonardo. «Les pilotes de ce périphérique ne sont pas installés. (Code 28) Il n’y a pas de pilotes compatibles pour ce périphérique. Pour trouver un pilote pour ce périphérique, cliquez sur Mettre à jour le pilote.» Sorry because is it in french, the emplacement is : 0000.001d.0000.

This is still an issue for my system. The Arduino drivers for the Yun are not installing no matter what I try. I have tried all the previously mentioned tricks and down loaded the latest build. I have attempted to do a "no certificate required" install, back dating the computer into 2013, installing version 1.5.5-r2 Which has the certificate correction, and enabling port 5353 on firewall. No drivers were installed after each of these workarounds. I have a Mac Pro running Mavericks and Parallels Desktop running Windows 8.1. The Mavericks on the Mac pro can see the Yun board in the ports menu but the Windows 8.1 does not ever successfully install the ide driver so Windows does not see the board.

As a side note, The Arduino Yun board is recognized in Visual Studio Pro with Visual Micro plugin. I can make the WIFI connection via IP address. But no luck with the Arduino ide application.

La solucion esta aqui!


The NEW Windows 8 AND Windows 8.1 drivers just came out! anyone who has the yun need to download the beta build the drivers are signed so there is NO MORE unsigned drivers I tested my self and it works :smiley: so please stop posting on this tropic. go post a new tropic.
Moderator can you lock this tropic

Unfortunately, this is apparently still a problem, as just yesterday I was unable to install the Arduino drivers on my Asus Transformer running 8.1 64-bit

Fortunately; however, I found instructions for how to disable the driver signature verification that were almost entirely accurate on How-to Geek:

Note, that you may need to get your Key Id from Microsoft to complete these steps.

if using win8 64 bit, you download the software Driver Pack at the link WanDrv6_Win8.x64_6.2.2014.1010 . For the other win, you look at the software Easy Driver Pack blog: ULTILITY | Store Softwares

I wonder how many people having driver problems are using clone boards?
I have found that clones (notably the DccDuinos) may work perfectly happily on Win 7 but not on Win 8.1 which won't give an error with them even if the driver warning is disabled, they simply won't be discovered.

The simple answer is to download the correct DccDuino drivers and away you go.

They coexist quite happily with the genuine Arduino drivers.
They are available from an article about getting the DccDuinos to work with Win 8.1 here

Hope this might help.

Slim Haines

arduino uno drivers issue solved for windows 8,8.1

  1. just download given zip file.
  2. Extract zip file
  3. install CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe or CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe according to your OS architecture.
  4. connect arduino go to control panel ->device manager u can see arduino drivers installed successfully

The CH340 driver on the manufacturers site is Windows 8 signed.