[Solved] Arduino MEGA Digital I/O Issues

I just got myself an Arduino MEGA R3 for an upcoming project and every digital I/O pin except pin 13 falls at roughly 3.5 volts with very little current.

For example, while running a basic blink sketch on all pins, I can connect an LED to pin 13 through a 220 ohm resistor and It will illuminate just fine. However, if I use that same setup but swap pin 13 for say, pin 12, then the LED will light up very very dimly and the voltage will drop to ~1.5v
Choosing a different ground pin or different LED does not solve the issue.

Any ideas?

Did you forget to configure the pin as an output?

Ya, that was the problem... I've been up for way too long.. :sweat_smile:

Thanks, and sorry for your time.