So I was experimenting with https to reach my yun. That has succeeded in such a good way that I am unable to reach it via the 'normal' (ip from yun).
Anyone knowing what I should change in the configuration to get it back to normal? I am happy to provide any settings if asked for but it is a bit useless posting them all as I don't know which settings you experts are looking for.
I can still ssh into it
A bit more info:
Somehow I can only reach it via the LAN via https. However, if I use my public ip-address I can use both http and https.
It does sound a bit like a router thing but I haven't touched the router settings...
Just to be clear, I want the whole https thing to go away (pls 8) )
It is solved now. Removing the luci-ssl and px5g packages did the job. Spent a good half a day on it
If anyone know how to set this up properly (using https) I will be happy to receive the instructions!
it sounds like your Yun is sitting behind a firewall. If so, you need to open port 443 on your router/firewall.
You might also be able to do this as a DMZone (Demilitarized Zone).